shpID | original numbering of database entries |
shpBatchID | the identification number of each entry in the database. Each entry in the brokage book was assigned an ID so that it could be easily located in the original text |
shpDay | day of week when transaction took place at Bargate as shown in brokage book |
shpDate | date (numerical) as shown in original text |
shpMonth | month of the accounting year |
shpWeekFinancialYear | each week of the financial year was numbered so that comparison could be made across years, even when a record was incomplete |
shpFeastDay | Feast Day if mentioned in the original text |
shpOutCarts | number of carts leaving Southampton through Bargate |
shpInCarts | number of carts entering Southampton through Bargate |
shpOwnCart | denotes whether carter was using his own cart; if he was, then not required to pay brokage |
shpTown | town towards which cart was travelling shown in original spelling as seen in brokage book, but linked to table with modern place names |
shpCustom | local custom was a toll levied on the goods of all merchants, whether alien or denizen, except those merchants who were free of custom in the town |
shpCustomPaidAtSea | custom paid at sea to the water bailiff |
shpPontage | pontage, a one penny toll levied on all vehicles entering or leaving the town through Bargate, shown in old pence of which there were 12 in one shilling and 240 in £1 |
shpBrokage | brokage, a fee or toll originally levied for arranging the haulage of goods which varied according to the distance travelled, shown in old pence of which there were 12 in one shilling and 240 in £1 |
shpMarketStall | market stall payments; these were recorded with the other payments made at Bargate; the names of the people making payments for market stalls have been italicised and are included in the list of carters |
shpYear | accounting year of relevant brokage book |
shpTotalToll | total amount paid for cart, shown in old pence of which there were 12 in one shilling and 240 in £1 |
shpMaybeIn | indicates uncertainty whether cart went into town or not, little used |
shpMaybeOut | indicates uncertainty whether cart taken out of town or not (little used) |
carCarrierID | carter or carriers, person responsible for carrying goods |
carBatchID | batch ID on the carrier/carter table which links with shipment ID on Orders table, originally shipment Order table |
carCarrierForename | forename of carter/carrier, standardised and modernised |
carCarrierSurname | surname of carter/carrier as it appears in the original text |
carCarrierStdSurname | version of the surname most frequently used |
carCarrierTitle | generally whether 'senior' or 'junior' |
carOfPlace | place from which carter/carrier originates if given in original text |
carServantOf | indicates if servant of carter/carrier |
comCommodityID | batch ID on the commodity table which links with the ID in the shipment Order Table |
| |
comBatchID | the ID in the commodity table which links with the ID in shipment Order table |
comItem | an item of trade |
comSubCategory | sub category to which item belongs |
comCategory | overall category to which a group of sub categories belongs |
comDesignatedUnit | all commodities were assigned a unit of measurement, 'a designated unit of measurement' which was the most commonly used measurement in the original text or a conversion to common usage; e.g. herring is measured in barrels, wine in gallons, woad in baletts, madder in bales |
comNumber | refers to number of designated units |
comCartload | refers to number of cartloads, if known |
comNumberIndeterminate | the term 'indeterminate number' has been used for quantities which are indeterminable, e.g. bundles, or for quantities which do not correspond with the unit of measurement designated to a specific commodity |
comCustomOnly | goods on which custom was paid, but the records do not indicate whether they were brought into or taken out of the town |
comOut | indicates if commodity taken out of the town |
comIn | indicates if commodity taken into the town |
comRecipientOwnerID | unique ID for recipient/owner of the goods |
comOwnProperty | for payment of customs, denotes whether person carrying goods owned them and whether they were for his own use |
comOriginalData | as below comNotes |
comNotes | provides extra detail or original quantity before conversion |
comHalfCustom | denotes if half custom was paid (little used, seldom seen in text) |
comMaybeIn | indicates uncertainty about whether commodity taken into town or not (little used) |
comMaybeOut | indicates uncertainty about whether commodity taken out of town or not (little used) |
recID | recipient ID which links with standardised spelling table |
recBatchID | batch ID of recipient/owner table |
| |
recForename | forename of recipient/owner standardised and modernised |
recSurname | surname of recipient /owner as it appears in the original text |
recStdSurname | most frequently used version of surname of recipient/owner |
recStatus | denotes status of recipient/owner |
recNationality | nationality of recipient/owner, some of which is extra detail which has been added |
recOfPlace | town to which recipient/owner belonged |
recOccupation | occupation of owner of goods, if known |